Vignette with the Framingham Heart Study
We’ll demonstrate how to use the package with data from the
Framingham Heart Study. The following information is from the official
Framingham study documentation (
“The Framingham Heart Study is a long term prospective study of the
etiology of cardiovascular disease among a population of free living
subjects in the community of Framingham, Massachusetts. The Framingham
Heart Study was a landmark study in epidemiology in that it was the
first prospective study of cardiovascular disease and identified the
concept of risk factors and their joint effects. The study began in 1948
and 5,209 subjects were initially enrolled in the study. Participants
have been examined biennially since the inception of the study and all
subjects are continuously followed through regular surveillance for
cardiovascular outcomes. Clinic examination data has included
cardiovascular disease risk factors and markers of disease such as blood
pressure, blood chemistry, lung function, smoking history, health
behaviors, ECG tracings, Echocardiography, and medication use. Through
regular surveillance of area hospitals, participant contact, and death
certificates, the Framingham Heart Study reviews and adjudicates events
for the occurrence of Angina Pectoris, Myocardial Infarction, Heart
Failure, and Cerebrovascular disease.
cvdd is a subset of the data collected as part of
the Framingham study from 4,240 participants who conducted a baseline
exam and were free of prevalent coronary heart disease when they entered
the study. Participant clinic data was collected during three
examination periods, approximately 6 years apart, from roughly 1956 to
1968. Each participant was followed for a total of 24 years for the
outcome of the following events: Angina Pectoris, Myocardial Infarction,
Atherothrombotic Infarction or Cerebral Hemorrhage (Stroke) or
NOTE: This is a “teaching” dataset. Specific methods were employed to
ensure an anonymous dataset that protects patient confidentiality;
therefore, this dataset is inappropriate for publication purposes.” The
use of these data for the purposes of this package were approved on
11Mar2019 (request #7161) by NIH/NHLBI.
In this vignette, we present several examples to estimate effect
measures of interest from these data. The cvdd dataset
has already been cleaned and formatted for these examples.
Binary (dichotomous) outcome example
Research question: what is the effect of having diabetes at the
beginning of the study on the 24-year risk of cardiovascular disease or
death due to any cause (a combined outcome)?
Here, we will estimate the risk difference, risk ratio, odds ratio,
and number needed to treat. We will adjust for confounders: patient’s
age, sex, body mass index (BMI), smoking status (current smoker or not),
and prevalence of hypertension (if they are hypertensive or not at
baseline), by including them as covariates in the model.
Note that for a protective exposure (risk difference less than 0),
the Number needed to treat/harm is interpreted as the
number needed to treat, and for a harmful exposure (risk difference
greater than 0), it is interpreted as the number needed to harm. Note
also that confidence intervals are not reported for the Number
needed to treat/harm. If the confidence interval (CI) for the
risk difference crosses the null, the construction of the CI for the
Number needed to treat/harm is not well defined.
Challenges and options for reporting the Number needed to
treat/harm CI are reviewed extensively in Altman 1998, Hutton
2000, and Stang 2010, with a consensus that an appropriate interval
would have two segments, one bounded at negative infinity and the other
at positive infinity. Because the Number needed to
treat/harm is most useful as a communication tool and is
directly derived from the risk difference, which has a CI that provides
a more interpretable measure of precision, we do not report the CI for
the Number needed to treat/harm. If the CI of the risk
difference does not cross the null, the Number needed to
treat/harm CI can be calculated straightforwardly by taking the
inverse of each confidence bound of the risk difference.
The gComp function is designed similarly to a normal regression model
in R and takes as input either a formula or a specification of Y
(outcome), X (exposure) and Z (covariates) (type
for additional details). If you specify X, Y,
and Z separately, each variable name needs to be entered in quotes. In
this example, logistic regression is used as the underlying parametric
model for g-computation.
## Specify the regression formula
cvdd.formula <- cvd_dth ~ DIABETES + AGE + SEX + BMI + CURSMOKE + PREVHYP
## For reproducibility, we should always set the seed since the g-computation uses random resampling of the data to calculate confidence intervals and random sampling of the distribution when predicting outcomes
## Call the gComp function
binary.res <- gComp(data = cvdd,
formula = cvdd.formula,
outcome.type = "binary",
R = 200)
Alternatively, we could run the same analysis by specifying the
outcome, exposure, and covariates separately
binary.res.alt <- gComp(data = cvdd,
Y = "cvd_dth",
Z = c("AGE", "SEX", "BMI", "CURSMOKE", "PREVHYP"),
outcome.type = "binary",
R = 200)
Note that we did not need to specify function arguments that did not
apply for our analysis. For example, if we wanted to estimate unadjusted
effects, with no Z covariates, we could simply leave out the Z argument
in the function above. Arguments that are not included in the function
statement are automatically populated with the default values. See below
another example of the same analysis, which includes all arguments at
their default values. This example is syntactically equivalent to the
first example for binary.res (i.e. the code being
evaluated is exactly the same), but is functionally equivalent to both
of the examples above (i.e. will produce the same results).
binary.res.alt2 <- gComp(data = cvdd,
formula = cvdd.formula,
outcome.type = "binary",
R = 200,
subgroup = NULL,
offset = NULL,
rate.multiplier = 1,
clusterID = NULL,
parallel = "no",
ncpus = 1)
Let’s look at the results. Typing either of the below will provide
the point estimate and the 95% confidence limits
#> Formula:
#> Parameter estimates:
#> DIABETES1_v._DIABETES0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Risk Difference 0.287 (0.198, 0.393)
#> Risk Ratio 1.700 (1.488, 1.968)
#> Odds Ratio 4.550 (2.784, 8.863)
#> Number needed to treat/harm 3.484
#> Formula:
#> Parameter estimates:
#> DIABETES1_v._DIABETES0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Risk Difference 0.287 (0.198, 0.393)
#> Risk Ratio 1.700 (1.488, 1.968)
#> Odds Ratio 4.550 (2.784, 8.863)
#> Number needed to treat/harm 3.484
Not surprisingly, there is a large effect of diabetes on
cardiovascular disease. Specifically, the absolute 24-year risk of
cardiovascular disease or death due to any cause is 30.0% (95% CI: 21.5,
37.5) higher among subjects with diabetes at baseline compared to
subjects without diabetes at baseline. In relative terms, the 24-year
risk is 55.2% (95% CI: 38.6, 69.6) higher. Because the outcome is common
(41.8%), the odds ratio (4.55) is highly inflated compared to the risk
ratio (1.55). This is a clear example where the odds ratio may be
misleading since the odds ratio is commonly misinterpreted as a risk
We also estimated the number needed to treat as 1/Risk difference. In
this example, with a harmful exposure, we can interpret the number
needed to treat as the number needed to harm: we would expect 3 (95% CI:
3, 5) persons would need to have diabetes at baseline to observe an
increase in the number of cases of cardiovascular disease or death by 1
over 24 years of follow-up.
The result obtained from the gComp
function is an object
of class gComp which is a list containing the summary
results (what is seen when you print), plus 8 additional items:
, n
, R
, contrast
, family
, predicted.outcome
, and
(see ?gComp
for a more detailed explanation of each item in
the list). You can access the different items using the $
operator as shown below.
#> [1] "gComp" "list"
# The names of the different items in the list
#> [1] "summary" "results.df"
#> [3] "n" "R"
#> [5] "boot.result" "contrast"
#> [7] "family" "formula"
#> [9] "predicted.outcome" "glm.result"
# To see the sample size of the original data:
#> [1] 4240
# To see the contrast being compared in the analysis:
There is also a summary method for objects with class
gComp that contains the formula, family and link
function, contrast being made, parameter estimates with 95% CIs, and a
summary of the underlying glm used for predictions.
#> Formula:
#> Family: binomial
#> Link function: logit
#> Contrast: DIABETES1 v. DIABETES0
#> Parameter estimates:
#> DIABETES1_v._DIABETES0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Risk Difference 0.287 (0.198, 0.393)
#> Risk Ratio 1.700 (1.488, 1.968)
#> Odds Ratio 4.550 (2.784, 8.863)
#> Number needed to treat/harm 3.484
#> Underlying glm:
#> Call: stats::glm(formula = formula, family = family, data = working.df,
#> na.action = stats::na.omit)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) DIABETES1 AGE SEX1
#> -6.25839 1.51501 0.10246 -0.79405
#> 0.02512 0.58550 0.77804
#> Degrees of Freedom: 4220 Total (i.e. Null); 4214 Residual
#> (19 observations deleted due to missingness)
#> Null Deviance: 5735
#> Residual Deviance: 4697 AIC: 4711
To check to make sure the package is estimating effects as expected,
we suggest comparing the riskCommunicator results to a normal logistic
regression model (for example, with the glm function in R) using the
same model structure. The odds ratio from riskCommunicator should be
very similar to the odds ratio obtained from glm (note: minor
differences may occur due to estimating marginal vs. covariate
conditional effects). Because any errors that you receive while running
a normal logistic regression model will also be an issue when using the
riskCommunicator package, it may be helpful to optimize the logistic
regression first.
We can also do the same analysis within subgroups. Here we’ll
estimate effects stratified by sex, or within subgroups of men and
binary.res.subgroup <- gComp(data = cvdd,
Y = "cvd_dth",
Z = c("AGE", "SEX", "BMI", "CURSMOKE", "PREVHYP"),
subgroup = "SEX",
outcome.type = "binary",
R = 200)
#> Formula:
#> Parameter estimates:
#> DIABETES1_v._DIABETES0_SEX0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Risk Difference 0.259 (0.153, 0.384)
#> Risk Ratio 1.521 (1.306, 1.780)
#> Odds Ratio 3.999 (2.193, 10.546)
#> Number needed to treat/harm 3.861
#> DIABETES1_v._DIABETES0_SEX1 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Risk Difference 0.316 (0.174, 0.453)
#> Risk Ratio 1.922 (1.509, 2.317)
#> Odds Ratio 5.028 (2.428, 11.402)
#> Number needed to treat/harm 3.169
From these results, we see that females (sex = 1) have a larger
increase in the absolute 24-year risk of cardiovascular disease or death
associated with diabetes than males (sex = 0). They also have a larger
relative increase in risk than males.
Categorical exposure example
Question: what is the effect of obesity on the 24-year risk of
cardiovascular disease or death due to any cause?
You can do a similar analysis when your exposure variable is not
binary (has more than 2 categories). In this example, we specify obesity
as a categorical variable (bmicat
coding: 0 = normal
weight; 1=underweight; 2=overweight; 3=obese) and therefore have an
exposure with more than 2 categories. To ensure that the effects are
estimated with the referent of your choice, you can change the referent
category using code provided above or you could code your categorical
exposure with ‘0’ coded as the referent.
As above, we will estimate the risk difference, risk ratio, odds
ratio, and number needed to treat.
#number and percent of subjects in each BMI category
44.3023 |
1.350391 |
41.57783 |
12.76949 |
catExp.res <- gComp(data = cvdd,
Y = "cvd_dth",
X = "bmicat",
outcome.type = "binary",
R = 200)
#> Formula:
#> cvd_dth ~ bmicat + AGE + SEX + DIABETES + CURSMOKE + PREVHYP
#> Parameter estimates:
#> bmicat1_v._bmicat0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Risk Difference 0.042 (-0.082, 0.178)
#> Risk Ratio 1.106 (0.792, 1.454)
#> Odds Ratio 1.248 (0.631, 2.506)
#> Number needed to treat/harm 23.846
#> bmicat2_v._bmicat0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Risk Difference 0.017 (-0.005, 0.049)
#> Risk Ratio 1.044 (0.988, 1.126)
#> Odds Ratio 1.097 (0.973, 1.297)
#> Number needed to treat/harm 57.405
#> bmicat3_v._bmicat0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Risk Difference 0.093 (0.056, 0.136)
#> Risk Ratio 1.235 (1.143, 1.354)
#> Odds Ratio 1.628 (1.348, 2.037)
#> Number needed to treat/harm 10.733
From these results, we see that obese persons have the highest
increase in 24-year risk of cardiovascular disease or death compared to
normal weight persons. Underweight persons also have increased risk,
more so than overweight persons. Not surprisingly, the estimate
comparing underweight to normal weight persons is imprecise given the
few people in the dataset who were underweight.
Continuous exposure example
Question: what is the effect of a 10-year difference in age on the
24-year risk of cardiovascular disease or death due to any cause?
Estimates can also be produced for continuous exposures. The default
effects are produced for a one unit difference in the exposure at the
mean value of the exposure variable. Under the hood, your continuous
exposure is first centered at the mean, and then effects are estimated
for a one unit difference. You can specify the exposure.scalar option to
estimate effects for a more interpretable contrast, as desired. For
example, if the continuous exposure is age in years, specifying the
exposure.scalar option as 10 would result in effects for a 10 year
difference in age, rather than a 1 year difference. We will try this
As above, we will estimate the risk difference, risk ratio, odds
ratio, and number needed to treat.
contExp.res <- gComp(data = cvdd,
Y = "cvd_dth",
X = "AGE",
outcome.type = "binary",
exposure.scalar = 10,
R = 200)
#> Proceeding with X as a continuous variable, if it should be binary/categorical, please reformat so that X is a factor variable
#> Formula:
#> Parameter estimates:
#> AGE59.58_v._AGE49.58 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Risk Difference 0.226 (0.204, 0.244)
#> Risk Ratio 1.558 (1.493, 1.609)
#> Odds Ratio 2.786 (2.509, 3.057)
#> Number needed to treat/harm 4.416
These results demonstrate that the 24-year risk of cardiovascular
disease or death increases by an absolute 24.3% (95% CI: 22.5%, 26.2%)
for a 10 year increase in age. The risk difference, risk ratio, and NNT
estimates specifically apply at the mean observed age, or 50 years. The
odds ratio is constant regardless of which 10-year difference in age is
considered along the observed range.
NOTE: in this example, because the underlying parametric model for a
binary outcome is logistic regression, the risks for a continuous
exposure will be estimated to be linear on the log-odds (logit) scale,
such that the odds ratio for any one unit increase in the continuous
variable is constant. However, the risks will not be linear on the
linear (risk difference) or log (risk ratio) scales, such that these
parameters will not be constant across the range of the continuous
exposure. Users should be aware that the risk difference, risk ratio,
number needed to treat/harm (for a binary outcome) and the incidence
rate difference (for a rate/count outcome) reported with a continuous
exposure apply specifically at the mean of the continuous exposure. The
effects do not necessarily apply across the entire range of the
variable. However, variations in the effect are likely small, especially
near the mean.
Rate outcome example
While there was very little drop out in these data (<1%), let’s
say that we are interested in estimating the effect of diabetes on the
rate of cardiovascular disease or death due to any cause. For this
analysis, we will take into account the person-days at risk
(timeout) and use Poisson regression as the underlying
parametric model for g-computation. (Note: for overdispersed count/rate
outcomes, the negative binomial distribution can be specified by setting
to “count_nb” or
“rate_nb”.) This analysis will estimate the incidence
rate difference and incidence rate ratio.
First, we need to modify the dataset to change the variable
cvd_dth from a factor to a numeric variable since the
outcome for Poisson regression must be numeric.
cvdd.t <- cvdd %>%
dplyr::mutate(cvd_dth = as.numeric(as.character(cvd_dth)),
timeout = as.numeric(timeout))
Then, we can run the analysis as above, first setting the seed and
then calling the gComp function. Note that we have specified the
as “rate” and included
timeout as the offset. Because our
timeout variable is in units of person-days, we have
included a rate.multiplier
of 365.25*100 so that the
estimates are returned with units of 100 person-years.
rate.res <- gComp(data = cvdd.t,
Y = "cvd_dth",
Z = c("AGE", "SEX", "BMI", "CURSMOKE", "PREVHYP"),
outcome.type = "rate",
rate.multiplier = 365.25*100,
offset = "timeout",
R = 200)
#> Formula:
#> cvd_dth ~ DIABETES + AGE + SEX + BMI + CURSMOKE + PREVHYP + offset(log(timeout_adj))
#> Parameter estimates:
#> DIABETES1_v._DIABETES0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Incidence Rate Difference 2.189 (1.498, 3.103)
#> Incidence Rate Ratio 1.913 (1.615, 2.324)
Alternatively, we could run the same analysis by first specifying the
regression model formula.
## Specify the regression formula
cvdd.formula <- cvd_dth ~ DIABETES + AGE + SEX + BMI + CURSMOKE + PREVHYP
## Call the gComp function
rate.res.alt <- gComp(data = cvdd.t,
formula = cvdd.formula,
outcome.type = "rate",
rate.multiplier = (365.25*100),
offset = "timeout",
R = 200)
#> Formula:
#> cvd_dth ~ DIABETES + AGE + SEX + BMI + CURSMOKE + PREVHYP + offset(log(timeout_adj))
#> Parameter estimates:
#> DIABETES1_v._DIABETES0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Incidence Rate Difference 2.189 (1.498, 3.103)
#> Incidence Rate Ratio 1.913 (1.615, 2.324)
Similarly to the risk analysis above, this analysis suggests that
there is a large effect of diabetes on cardiovascular disease.
Specifically, the absolute rate of cardiovascular disease or death due
to any cause is 2.19 cases/100 person-years (95% CI: 1.38, 3.26) higher
among subjects with diabetes at baseline compared to subjects without
diabetes at baseline. In relative terms, the rate is 91.3% (95% CI:
56.1, 133.9) higher. You will note that the incidence rate ratio is
further from the null than the risk ratio, but closer to the null than
the odds ratio. This is expected based on the mathematical properties of
these effect measures.
Continuous outcome example
Question: what is the effect of having diabetes at the beginning of
the study on casual serum glucose (mg/dL) after 6 years of
This example estimates the marginal mean difference in the continuous
outcome associated with the exposure. In this example, linear regression
is used as the underlying parametric model for g-computation.
cont.res <- gComp(data = cvdd,
Y = "glucoseyear6",
Z = c("AGE", "SEX", "BMI", "CURSMOKE", "PREVHYP"),
outcome.type = "continuous",
R = 200)
#> Formula:
#> glucoseyear6 ~ DIABETES + AGE + SEX + BMI + CURSMOKE + PREVHYP
#> Parameter estimates:
#> DIABETES1_v._DIABETES0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Mean Difference 61.626 (46.816, 77.613)
This analysis shows that individuals with diabetes at baseline have a
61.6 mg/dL (95% CI: 49.1, 80.8) higher casual serum glucose level after
6 years compared to individuals without diabetes at baseline.
Count outcome example
Question: what is the effect of having diabetes at the beginning of
the study on the number of hospitalizations experienced over 24 years of
For this analysis, we will use Poisson regression as the underlying
parametric model for g-computation because we have a count outcome.
However, we will not include a person-time offset, since there was a
fixed follow-up time for all individuals (24 years). This analysis will
estimate the incidence rate difference, incidence rate ratio, and the
number needed to treat.
count.formula <- "nhosp ~ DIABETES + AGE + SEX + BMI + CURSMOKE + PREVHYP"
count.res <- gComp(data = cvdd,
formula = count.formula,
outcome.type = "count",
R = 200)
#> Formula:
#> Parameter estimates:
#> DIABETES1_v._DIABETES0 Estimate (95% CI)
#> Incidence Rate Difference 0.049 (-0.012, 0.110)
#> Incidence Rate Ratio 1.537 (0.874, 2.195)
This analysis shows that individuals with diabetes at baseline have
0.05 (95% CI: -0.01, 0.10) more hospital admissions over the 24 years of
follow-up compared to individuals without diabetes at baseline. In
relative terms, individuals with diabetes have 53.7% (95% CI: -7.7,
116.4) more admissions than those without diabetes.
Checking model fit
The 95% CIs obtained from the riskCommunicator package represent
population-standardized marginal effects obtained with g-computation. To
ensure that the parameter estimates from each bootstrap iteration are
normally distributed, we can also look at the histogram and Q-Q plots of
bootstrapped estimates by calling:
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `dplyr::mutate()`.
#> ℹ In argument: `value = dplyr::case_when(...)`.
#> Caused by warning in `log()`:
#> ! NaNs produced
The histograms show the different effect estimates obtained by each
bootstrap resampling of the data and should be normally distributed if
the model is correctly specified. Q-Q plots help to verify that the
bootstrap values are normally distributed by comparing the actual
distribution of bootstrap values against a theoretical normal
distribution of values centered at mean = 0. If the estimates are
normally distributed, the plotted estimates (black circles) should
overlay the diagonal red dashed line.
In order to facilitate plotting of the results, the
output contains a data.frame with all of the
info needed to make your own results plot, as shown below:
ggplot(catExp.res$results.df %>%
filter(Parameter %in% c("Risk Difference", "Risk Ratio"))
) +
geom_pointrange(aes(x = Comparison,
y = Estimate,
ymin = `2.5% CL`,
ymax = `97.5% CL`,
color = Comparison),
shape = 2
) +
coord_flip() +
facet_wrap(~Parameter, scale = "free") +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none")

You can also obtain the marginal mean predicted outcomes under each
exposure level, i.e. what would be the predicted mean outcome had
everyone been exposed (set exposure to 1) and had everyone been
unexposed (set exposure to 0). These predicted outcomes are “adjusted”
for covariates in that they have been standardized over the observed
values of covariates included in the model. Therefore, this outcome
prediction procedure does not require setting the covariates to specific
values (at the mean values, for example). This is a major advantage over
the usual predict
function in R, or similar functions in
other statistical programs (e.g. lsmeans statement in SAS).
Mean outcome without exposure/treatment |
cvd_dth |
bmicat0 |
0.3968808 |
0.3707688 |
0.4147452 |
Mean outcome with exposure/treatment |
cvd_dth |
bmicat1 |
0.4388168 |
0.3079166 |
0.5740355 |
Mean outcome with exposure/treatment |
cvd_dth |
bmicat2 |
0.4143010 |
0.3945179 |
0.4377184 |
Mean outcome with exposure/treatment |
cvd_dth |
bmicat3 |
0.4900533 |
0.4550675 |
0.5262012 |
Additionally, if you are interested in examining the coefficient
estimates and other components of the underlying glm
is also provided as an output. The final item in the
gComp class object is ‘glm.result’ which is a
glm class object and can be manipulated like the
results from a regular glm
or lm
object in R.
For example, you can obtain the coefficient estimates of the fitted
by using the summary
#> Call:
#> stats::glm(formula = formula, family = family, data = working.df,
#> na.action = stats::na.omit)
#> Coefficients:
#> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -5.734453 0.258726 -22.164 < 2e-16 ***
#> bmicat1 0.221844 0.323038 0.687 0.492
#> bmicat2 0.092877 0.079637 1.166 0.244
#> bmicat3 0.487108 0.116259 4.190 2.79e-05 ***
#> AGE 0.103046 0.004781 21.553 < 2e-16 ***
#> SEX1 -0.805224 0.074963 -10.742 < 2e-16 ***
#> DIABETES1 1.505036 0.274264 5.488 4.08e-08 ***
#> CURSMOKE1 0.590569 0.077393 7.631 2.33e-14 ***
#> PREVHYP1 0.761737 0.079357 9.599 < 2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:
#> 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#> Null deviance: 5734.6 on 4220 degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 4685.9 on 4212 degrees of freedom
#> (19 observations deleted due to missingness)
#> AIC: 4703.9
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4